Outside of advertising and in-person spreading the word, you are going to want to find additional ways to get visitors to your website regularly. If prior to having a website a business was using only a Facebook page, they could announce their new site there for an initial boost of awareness. Another way to drive traffic to your website is to optimize your website for search engine ranking. Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of improving a website so it appears higher on results when searched on Google or other search engines.
There are multiple aspects of SEO, but the main parts can be categorized into on-site SEO, off-site SEO, and technical SEO. On-site SEO is the content of your page, so if certain keywords that someone might search appear on your site, then it has a better chance of appearing higher on search results.
Off-site SEO involves anything that is not directly done on your site, like increasing the number of links that link to your site coming from other sites. Search engines take note of how many other websites link to one as a point of reference to how useful a site might be.
Technical SEO involves more of the underlying code of a website and the overall structure and secureness of the site. Some examples include meta and schema tags in the head of HTML code, which give search engines an idea of what the site is about, titles and headings on the page, and the overall speed of the page. Increasing the loading speed of your site, particularly on mobile devices is an important part of the technical side of things as search engines don’t want to send users to low performing sites.
Booking Zone’s platform takes care of a lot of the technical SEO for you. With our editor, you can update meta and schema tags without needing to learn any coding yourself. All sites are optimized for mobile automatically, we use fast loading servers and we utilize a global content delivery network to ensure that media is loaded quickly no matter where the users are located. All sites also come with an SSL certificate which secures the site and stops Google Chrome, or other browsers, from telling users that the site is unsecure upon visiting.